Whether you are trying to revive a dormant lawn or just want to keep your landscape looking its greenest for spring fertilizing is one of the best things you can do for the health of your grass.

While fertilization is key to ensuring your lawn receives the nutrients it needs, it’s important to remember that there’s always a right and wrong time to fertilize.

So, when is the best time of the day to fertilize, and when you should absolutely avoid the process? Let’s find out!

Why is Fertilization Essential?

Fertilization is something you should be doing to your lawn at least 5 or 6 times a year. Applying a fertilizer that’s compatible with your grass type encourages growth and gives your grass the nutrients it needs to stay healthy throughout the year.

Some of the biggest ways fertilizer helps your lawn include the following:

  • Restored pH levels
  • Better soil quality
  • The potential to deter insect and weed infestations

What Time of Day Should You Fertilize Your Lawn?

While all of the chemicals that make up fertilizers may help your lawn thrive, it’s important to spread your fertilizer at the right time of day to ensure the chemicals don’t work against your lawn’s health.

First off, spring is the best season to fertilize your lawn, its weather isn’t frigid or extremely hot, meaning your soil and grass are able to easily take in the nitrogen, potassium, and phosphate that help most fertilizers keep lawns healthy.

As far as the time of day goes, you want to avoid fertilization mid-day when your lawn is in direct contact with the sun. Direct sunlight will cause your fertilizer to burn your lawn. So, we recommend fertilizing in the late afternoon and early evening.

Fertilizing in the evening ensures:

  • You aren’t fertilizing on a damp lawn
  • Cooler temperatures throughout the night won’t let fertilizer burn your lawn
  • Your lawn is ready to accept the fertilizer after the day’s heat exposure

Isn’t the Morning Also Ideal for Fertilization?

In some cases, yes, the morning can also present the right fertilizing conditions. However, some of the downsides of fertilizing in the morning are:

  • Daily temperatures can rise, leading to lawn damage throughout the day
  • Fertilizer moves with water. Damp grass can lead to unequal distribution or complete runoff of your fertilizer.

Bonus Fertilization Tip

If you know that there is an incoming rainstorm the day you want to fertilize, it’s best to hold off no matter what. Your grass needs between 1 and 5 days to completely absorb the fertilizer. A heavy storm will wash your fertilizer away from the soil, preventing effective nutrient absorption.

Get All of Your Landscaping Needs Met With Executive Lawn Care

If you know you need to put extra effort into your landscaping but don’t have the time or experience to do so, reach out to a Dallas lawn care expert today.

Executive Lawn Care is one of Dallas’ most reliable landscaping service providers and helps with lawn mowing, hedge trimming, bed maintenance, and more!

Contact us today to get your residential lawn on our schedule.


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