5 Worst Lawn Care Habits You Should Avoid

Feb 13, 2018Uncategorized

Your lawn is the first thing that people notice about your home, so you obviously want to take care of it. All lawn care professionals are not always created equal, so there are some mistakes that may be made along the way. Find out 5 of the worst offenses that homeowners usually make.

1. Forget to Mow On a Schedule

Mowing your lawn on a schedule is important to your lawn’s overall health. Allowing your lawn to grow too long between mowing sessions will make your lawn become shaggy and run-down looking. Obviously, this is not the look that you are going for.

A well-maintained lawn should be dense, thick, and create effective coverage of your yard. This can be accomplished through weekly mowing on a regular schedule.

2. Over Fertilization

Fertilizing your lawn is one of the best things that you can do for your yard to look great, that is, until you have fertilized it too much. Seasonal, planned fertilization is important to your lawn in that it promotes healthy growth and longevity.

Too much fertilizer can create a multitude of problems for your lawn care plans. Some of them include:

  • Dehydration of your lawn
  • Your lawn growing too fast
  • Unpredictable growth in general
  • Requiring more regular lawn mows, overall shortening the lawn’s lifespan

Consulting with your local lawn care provider is a great thing to do before you fertilize because they will be able to tell you how much needs to be done to your lawn and what type of fertilizer is necessary.

3. Overwatering

People often make the mistake of thinking that if they simply water their lawn as much as possible, that they are taking care of their yard. Water in Texas is a valuable resource, and excessive use of water on your lawn is seen as both wasting the valuable resource and creating a health hazard for your lawn.

Overwatering your lawn creates a soggy, damp lawn that is now more susceptible to developing fungus and contracting other lawn-related diseases.

Not only that, but remember the expensive fertilizer you just put down? Consider that washed away when you water too often.

4. Remove Grass Clippings

Many people believe in bagging their grass clippings after mowing the lawn. They think that leaving these clippings on the lawn will cause problems. This is an incorrect thought process because the fact is that clippings provide a source of nutrients that your lawn needs and can’t really get anywhere else!

5. Fail to Understand Your Lawn

In order to give your grass the best care possible, you have to completely understand your lawn and the type of grass that you have. Where you live and what type of grass you have on your lawn is going to determine how you will need to maintain it. Not knowing the type of grass you own can be problematic.

Not all grass is the same, and that means that not all grass requires the same amount of care. Figure your lawn out before moving forward with lawn care.

Let Executive Lawn Care Treat Your Lawn Right

If you are having a hard time maintaining your lawn, then simply give it up to the hands of the professionals at Executive Lawn Care. We love to get our hands dirty and possess the knowledge about different grasses that will make caring for your lawn a breeze. Get in touch with us today to find out more about the services that we provide in your area.

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