Having a great looking lawn requires more than mowing and watering. Throughout the summer your lawn takes a beating with increased traffic and hot temperatures. Fall is time to give your Dallas lawn a boost. Aeration is key to a healthy lawn.

What Is Aeration?

Aeration is a yearly lawn care routine that will help to attain a beautiful lawn. Aeration involves puncturing the soil surface with small holes. It ensures that nutrients can reach the soil beneath your grass also, it allows water and air to pass through thatch and lawn build-up. This improves the roots of the grass.

You may not realize that your lawn needs aeration, but this is an important lawn care service. Lawn mowing equipment, lawn traffic, outdoor entertaining, outdoor playing, and pets will cause lawn compaction, especially if there is a concentration of clay in your soil. Bermuda grass and St. Augustine grass are spreading grasses and can produce more than usual thatching in Dallas lawns. Aeration penetrates thatch and reduces build-up. Another advantage is that fertilizer will penetrate your lawn more effectively.

Signs That Your Lawn Needs Aeration

There are some tell-tale signs that your lawn is in need of aeration. If you are noticing slow-growth spots, aeration will help. High traffic lawns are usually in need. Pooling of water or excessive run-off can be a sign that the soil is impenetrable and in need of aeration.

If you are planning on planting grass seed or grass plugs, it is a very good idea to aerate first. Aeration should be done while the grass is still growing, early fall or late spring are ideal.

Planning for Your Lawn’s Aeration

Aeration preparation is important. How do you prepare your lawn for your Dallas lawn care service to aerate? It really isn’t difficult.

  • First, mow your lawn one or two days before aeration. Mow lower than usual but not too low; you don’t want to make the lawn vulnerable.
  • Clean up any leaves, twigs or other debris that could interfere with the aeration.
  • If it has been dry for a few days prior, give the grass a thorough watering, but don’t over-water. A soft soil will allow deeper aeration. About an inch of water should do the trick.
  • Lastly, flag hidden objects in your lawn. This would include valve box covers, sprinkler heads, and in-ground lights.

Different Types of Aerators

There are three types of aerators: spike, slicing, and plug or core aerators. Spike simply pokes a hole into the soil. Slicers have rotating blades to cut through the grass and thatch into the soil. Plug aerators are commonly preferred by lawn care services. These use rows of hollow tines that remove plugs of soil and deposit them on top of the lawn.

Many property owners prefer to hire a professional lawn care service to aerate, ensuring that proper equipment and procedures are used. Your Dallas lawn care provider will be glad to provide this service.

After aeration is complete, let the plugs or extra soil lay on top. They will break down in rain and mowing. Post-aeration is the perfect time to overseed or plant plugs. It is also an ideal time to fertilize, being careful to NOT use a fertilizer with weed killer. Seeds and nutrients will be able to drop into the lawn through the holes. Be sure to keep the lawn moist, watering with less water but more frequently.

Keep Your Lawn Fresh All Year With Executive Lawn Care

Annual aeration of your Dallas lawn will benefit your lawn. Schedule your aeration service today with Executive Lawn Care to ensure a healthier lawn, year-round. Contact us today for more information.

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