A comfortable and beautiful home takes work, and you might find that you have time each week to vacuum and dust the house but that the flower beds, trees, and landscaping just never get accomplished.

A beautiful lawn takes work, but you might find that you need more help than simply having a neighborhood kid mow the lawn once a week. There are some signs that may indicate you need professional lawn care services.

You Have a Bug Infestation

Did you know that an unhealthy lawn is a perfect breeding ground for bugs like grasshoppers and mites? You might find that you have more than your fair share of bugs when you have an unhealthy lawn.

A professional lawn care service will help you keep your lawn in beautiful condition, which will reduce the number of beetles, caterpillars, grubs, and other invasive bugs that live in your lawn. If you have pets, your lawn care service can also help reduce the number of fleas in your lawn that would otherwise bite your pets and your family.

You Can’t Keep Up with the Weeds in the Flower Beds

When you water your flowers, you also water the seeds of weeds that are just waiting to take over your flower beds. Without regular maintenance and attention, your flower beds can turn into weed beds. While dandelions are a sunny flower, you might not appreciate a huge number of them growing in your flower beds.

Various weeds and plants like clover can also take over, and you might be surprised at how resilient these plants can be even if you think you’ve ripped up every single piece of them out of your flower beds. A professional will know how to rid your flower beds of weeds and how to keep them from coming back.

Your Grass is Brown or Patchy

Keeping a beautiful lawn of fresh green grass takes work, and hauling out the mower each week might not be enough in a volatile environment with occasional rain, hot temperatures, and a family that loves to roll around on the grass with the dog.

Not only can our lawn mowing services keep up with a rainy season where the grass is growing at a furious rate, but they can also help with fertilizing, keeping the weeds at bay, and reducing the likelihood of brown or dead patches of grass.

Your Bushes and Trees are Out of Control

Small bushes are pretty easy to maintain, but you might find that the small bushes outside your house have started growing to new heights where it’s impossible to keep them trimmed without some serious ladders and cutting equipment. A lawn maintenance professional will have the tools and talents your bushes need to look beautiful.

You Don’t Have Time for Lawn Maintenance

If you always mean to get to the landscaping, the mowing, and the weeding, but you rarely find yourself with the time to accomplish those tasks, a lawn maintenance crew could be the best option. A busy family life often leaves very little room for home maintenance, and it’s often the case that the lawn maintenance tasks get tossed to the very bottom of the list.

Executive Lawn Care Can Help You Keep Your Lawn Beautiful

Do you need a legion of weeds pulled? Are your ornamental trees looking a little sickly? Is your lawn grown more brown patches than green grass? Let Executive Lawn Care do the heavy lifting for your lawn with our professional lawn maintenance, mowing, and flower bed maintenance services.

Contact us today to get your home on our schedule.

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